Book reviews

I’m just off to the workshop for a couple who are coming in to make some garden mosaics. When I get back this evening I’ll be working on a couple of book reviews. These will be books that could be relevant to anyone making copies of Roman mosaics, working in stone or technical issues.
One of the first will be, ‘The Mosaic, from the copy to the interpretation’, the technical manual of the Scuola Mosaicisti Del Fruili by Evelina Della Vedova.

Published by romanmosaicist

I'm a mosaicist who specializes in ancient Greek and Roman floor mosaics from 5th century BCE up until the 6th century CE. Based in the UK I've been making copies and teaching workshops in Roman mosaics since 2002 when I started my journey at The Mosaic Art School in Ravenna, Italy. Now I focus on supplying the kits, materials and online training for all aspects of Roman mosaic work.

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