Mosaic restoration examples

Mosaic restoration examples

When you looking to make a copy of a Roman mosaic you do need to look out for those that have been restored. This example is from from the Archaeological Museum in Barcelona. I don’t recall anything saying it had been subject to restoration but if you look at the figures eyes and hair I would say it has.

If a mosaic has been restored it should be made very clear which areas are original and which are guesswork on the part of the restorers. Here you have a figure looking over to the left yet his eyes are set as if he would be face on to the viewer.

Published by romanmosaicist

I'm a mosaicist who specializes in ancient Greek and Roman floor mosaics from 5th century BCE up until the 6th century CE. Based in the UK I've been making copies and teaching workshops in Roman mosaics since 2002 when I started my journey at The Mosaic Art School in Ravenna, Italy. Now I focus on supplying the kits, materials and online training for all aspects of Roman mosaic work.

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